Monday, 11 November 2013

the power of positivity

Do you ever wake up and feel like going back to sleep for another day because you know that your day is going to be a bad one? For lots of people, this accurately describes their thoughts on a Monday morning. They dread their return to school or work because they enjoyed their brief encounter of freedom. 

For other people, this accurately describes their thoughts everyday as they wake up, some people would rather not face the world because they don't think they can handle it. 

I know what it's like to wake up everyday and not want to get up and go about my daily routine. But, one thing I always noticed on the mornings when I woke up feeling like that was a strong sense of negativity, both the night before and on the morning.

Recently I've been trying to think more positively about things that I'm not looking forward to, and I've found that it does help. Of course, it won't make everything okay, but it builds up my tolerance to the things which I would previously dread. 

I think it's important for us to all try to think positively, after all, what have you got to lose?

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