Saturday, 23 November 2013

poison distribution

Alcohol is a poison, deny it if you wish but it is a poison. People don't die of alcohol poisoning because it's not poisonous. Some people say that 'alcohol in moderation is okay'. That's just like saying 'cyanide in moderation is okay'. Of course, if you have too much of anything it becomes poisonous but I'm focussing on alcohol. 

Alcohol changes people, hurts people, damages people, disables people and kills people. And what do people do about it? That's right, they willingly sell it to people. 

Do I really have to point out how stupid this is?..

I'm not going to bother saying anything more about this because I know it won't change anything. No one is going to care what my opinion is on this matter. So I'll just keep quiet and be hurt more and more by what alcohol does to people. It has a very bad side and I have to witness it far too often. 

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