Wednesday, 25 December 2013

the twenty fifth of december

All of December is spent building up to one day, a day to celebrate the birth of a person of 'religious importance'... or should I say, a day to give gifts to each other? 

In the countdown to this day it's typical for people to have advent calendars, often filled with a daily dose of chocolate. Decorations are also put up. They're shiny, and often flashy, it's rare for them to be subtle. And finally, the needless murder of am innocent tree, however, this is far less common now as people have fake Christmas trees. 

So how much of that has anything to do with the birth of 'Jesus'? That's right, nothing. 

Christmas is disgustingly materialistic, it's impossible to go anywhere during December and not be overwhelmed with the materialism associated with the day. 

But those who don't believe in Christmas must be silenced. It actually feels like people are offended by others that don't believe in Christmas. They say things like 'how can you not believe/celebrate it?' 'Dont you get bored?' 'It's nice to give gifts, why don't you just do that?'

The reason I do not just give gifts is that it is a religious holiday which I don't believe in, and I personally believe that the only people that have a right to celebrate it are those people who go to church on a weekly basis (and genuinely believe in the religion) because those people are more likely to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas and not the commercial version that has been created by the mass media. 

Anyway, as you may already have guessed, I don't celebrate Christmas. I used to when I went to church weekly when I was younger, however I never believed the religion, it was just the one I was brought up with. And since I do not believe in the religion, I actually believe it's morally wrong for me to celebrate it and take advantage of a religious holiday for material gain, therefore I don't celebrate it... oh, and also because I have very bad memories associated with this time of the year, particularly the twenty fifth, so this day is very tough for me, even though I don't celebrate it. 

I'm sure you're bored of this by now, or offended somehow by what I've said, but this is my blog and I'm simply expressing my opinions. I hope you all enjoy this time of year, and celebrate the religious holiday you choose as happily as you can. But, please, remember that religion is like a penis- it's okay to have one, it's okay to be proud of it, but don't you dare shove it down anyone's throat. 

Have a great day, and as the more politically correct of us in this world say, happy holidays

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