Wednesday, 1 October 2014

six months of vegetarianism

On the first of April this year, I decided that I would like to try vegetarianism once again. I had tried once before a few years ago, and struggled to complete a month, but since the start of this year, I had been trying new types of food and eating more of a variety, so for that reason I thought that I was ready to try to be a vegetarian for a while. Initially I had only planned to do it for one month, then for three, but as soon as I hit those goals, I thought I would increase it to six months and then consider what to do after that. 

I have found that since becoming a vegetarian, I eat far more healthily and generally feel a lot better about eating. I have really enjoyed it, but I have felt tempted to eat meat a few times which was difficult as I have been eating meat for my whole life and all of my friends and family eat meat, so the temptation was always there, but once I make a promise to myself, I don't tend to break it.
I don't think anyone believed that I could be a vegetarian for longer than a few days and I have been told by many of my friends that they didn't think I'd make it over a month. One of my friends is trying to convince me that being a vegetarian is stupid and that I should stop, which is a bit frustrating, but she is entitled to her own opinion. 

Over the next week or two, I'm going to consider what I'm going to do next; whether I'm going to continue being a vegetarian, or whether I am going to start eating meat again. And if I do eat meat again, whether it is regular or just once a week or once a month. I'm not going to make any decisions until I am completely sure, but it just gives me something to think about. 

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