Unless you have had issues with the way you look for your entire life, you will most likely not truly understand just how amazing it is to have a great body image day. I've had one today and yesterday, and I've honestly never felt so confident. I know that my looks should not determine my confidence, because I know I am smart and talented at many things, but feeling good about the way I look just makes everything so much better.
After having a discussion with someone yesterday about bodies, well, they were complaining about how much they dislike their body, and they're working on it the healthy way, so for that I am really happy for them, but I couldn't help but notice that they used a lot of negative language. They told me that they 'hate' their arms and that their legs were 'huge'. As an onlooker, I noticed nothing wrong with their body. To be completely honest, that person had a great body- strong and healthy, but it also looked great too.
It's taken me a long time to realise that the only person who really cares about the way I look is me. No one else is going to feel insecure for me. It's all down to how I feel. So if I feel confident about the way I look, that's all that matters. Plus, when I feel confident, I act more confident, which makes me much more friendly because I'm usually a very shy person.
I've been thinking, and over the last month, I think I have finally learned to accept myself. I used to hate my legs, my stomach, my face, everything really. But now when I look at myself in the mirror, I see myself for what I really am, pretty damn good looking. And I don't really care who disagrees with me, my opinion on the way I look is the only thing that matters.
I no longer see a reason to try to change myself, I fully understand that I will never be perfect, but I'm starting to love my imperfections, because those are what make me into a unique person.
I'm so happy to finally be able to see this in myself. It's taken long enough, but good things come to those who wait... or those who work their butts off for it! Self love only comes from within, so be nice to yourself and learn to love yourself for exactly who you are. You'll never be happy with yourself by hating everything about you.
We're all unique, embrace that.
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